Yes, it’s a fruit but the carbs in avocado and it’s high-fat content make “Avo’s”one of the most nutritious foods for keto diets around.
Not only are the carbs in an avocado low but they contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals essential for well being.
How Many Carbs In Avocado
There are only 2grams of net carbs per 100g of avocado with a fat content of 15g. Avocados are the perfect fruit for keto diets.
The low-carb, high-fat content of avocados along with high dietary fiber also makes them very satiating warding off hunger for longer.
Avocado Nutritional Facts and Keto Benefits
- Avocados are loaded with dietary fiber (up to 28% of your recommended daily intake per 100g) which you need on a keto diet.
- Fiber makes up a good part of avocados carbohydrate content which are not counted toward net carbs.
- Avocados are also an excellent source of electrolyte potassium. Which is necessary for good health on a keto diet. potassium helps fight off lethargy, fatigue and balancing other electrolytes such as sodium and magnesium.
- Avocados have high amounts of vitamin B-6 and vitamin C, for a healthy nervous system, immune system, and metabolism.
- 100g (about half of an avocado) contains only 160 calories and is an excellent low-carb replacement for bananas which are high in sugar.
Avocados are a great addition to low carb diets. Include them in Paleo, Atkins, Banting and the Ketogenic Diet.

The saturated fats contained in the avocado fruit are fantastic as an anti-inflammatory, great for heart health and lowering bad cholesterol.
They also contain antioxidant benefits and are a natural defense from the damage of free radicals.
Avocados can help with high blood pressure due to their high potassium content.
Studies have noted people with good healthy potassium levels have lower incidences of hypertension.
Low Carb Cooking With Avocado
The low carbs in avocado make this fruit an excellent ingredient in ketogenic cooking and we include it regularly.
Avocados are particularly excellent as an ingredient in side dishes such as guacamole, dips, salads, and sauces.
Tips For Cooking Avocado
- Always wash your avocado and hands before preparing or eating
- To halve an avocado push your knife into it until it hits the seed and roll the fruit around the knife then twist
- Avos are ripe when they slightly indent with a slight squeeze
- They can be pureed, mashed or put into an icing tube to create different patterns and textures.
Avocado Keto Recipes
One of our first ever recipe here on My Keto Kitchen was this low carb avocado recipe. We were looking for a quick and easy dip for entertaining some visitors. This was the first thing that came to mind.

Smoked Salmon and Avocado Salad
This recipe contains just about all the healthy fats you could ask for. Everyone knows how healthy salmon is and we’ve explained all the healthy goodness and the low carbs in avocado.
To top it off we combine it with rocket and few extra goodies.

This nifty little recipe came about through a few ingredients sitting in the fridge. Could you ask for a more nutritious meal that combines the superfood that is eggs and the delicious creaminess of the ripe avocado?
Where Do Avocados Come From
The common consensus is that avocados originated in Mexico.
However, avocados are grown in countries such as Australia, United States, South Africa, South America, throughout Asia and most tropical and subtropical countries.
Avocados grow on a large tree and their price varies depending on the seasonal harvest. We have seen them at times (rarely) for $5 per fruit. However, mostly they’re an affordable and quick option for something nutritious to eat.
In parts of Asia, avocados are known as butter fruit.
If you would like to know about the history of avocados you can read more on the avocado Wikipedia page.
We hope these avocado facts serve you well and you enjoy our recipes.
If you’re ever concerned about the impact of certain foods on ketosis, use one of these ketone meters to measure your levels.
No matter what you know them as the low carbs in avocado makes them an excellent inclusion in your keto diet, enjoy!